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Gastrointestinal 2

  1. management
        1. NPO (nothing by mouth)
        2. nasogastric tube
        3. antibiotics: clarithromycin (Biaxin); metronidazole (Flagyl)
        4. H2 receptor antagonists: cimetidine (Tagamet); rantidine hydrochloride (Zantac); famotidine (Pepcid); nizatidine (Axid)
        5. anticholinergics: dicyclomine hydrochloride (Bentyl)
        6. antacids; aluminum hydroxide (Amphogel); aluminum-magnesium combinations (Maalox, Mylanta, Gelusil); calcium carbonate (Tums)
        7. cytoprotective: sucrulfate (Carafate)
        8. proton pump inhibitors: omeprazole (Prilosec), iansoprazole (Prevacid)
        9. anxiolytics
        10. blood administration
        11. surgical Intervention
    1. Postoperative complications
      1. dumping syndrome- from rapid emptying of the stomach
        1. tachycardia, palpitations, syncope, diaphoresis, diarrhea, nausea, abdominal distention
        2. more common with Billroth II
        3. subsides after several months
        4. decrease with slow eating, low-carbohydrate, high-protein and fat diet
        5. avoid liquids with meals
      2. pernicious anemia secondary to loss of intrinsic factor
    2. Nursing interventions
      1. pain relief
      2. assess for bleeding
      3. discuss life-style changes: stop smoking, decrease stress
      4. teaching - medications, diet
      5. assess for post-operative complications - infection, bleeding, respiratory complications
      6. maintain patency of NG tube
      7. observe drainage for signs of bleeding (drainage should be dark red after 24 hours)
      8. mouth care
  2. Disorders of Intestines
  3. Inflammatory intestinal diseases - chronic, recurrent inflammation; etiology unknown
    1. ulcerative colitis
      1. definition/etiology
        1. affects young people ages 15 to 40
      2. pathophysiology
        1. ulceration and inflammation entire length of colon
        2. involves mucosaand submucosa
        3. begins in rectum and extends to distal colon
        4. abscess and ulcers lead to bleeding and diarrhea
        5. colon cannot absorb, so fluids and electrolytes go out of balance
        6. protein is lost in stools
        7. scarring produces narrowing, thickening, and shortening of colon
        8. remissions and exacerbations
      3. findings
        1. bloody diarrhea ranging from two to three per day to ten to 20 per day
        2. stools may also contain pus and mucus
        3. abdominal (tenderness and cramping) pain
        4. fever, weight loss, anemia, tachycardia, dehydration
        5. impaired absorption of fat-soluble vitamins such as E, K
        6. systemic manifestations
          • skin lesions - erythema nodosum
          • joint inflammation
          • inflammation of the eyes - uveitis
          • liver disease
      1. diagnosis
        1. sigmoidoscopy
        2. colonoscopy
        3. barium enema - definition
        4. complete blood count (CBC)
      2. management
        1. rest
        2. fluid, electrolyte, and blood replacement
        3. steroidsas anti-inflammatories
        4. immunosuppressives
        5. anti-infectives: sulfasalazine (Azulfidine) primary drug of choice
        6. anticholinergics
        7. antidiarrheals
        8. dietary restrictions - high calorie and high protein
        9. surgical management
          • total proctolectomy and ileostomy
          • ileorectal anastomosis
          • total proctolectomy with continent ileostomy (Kock pouch)
          • total colectomywith ileal pouch (reservoir)
        1. increased risk of colon cancer
        2. fluid and electrolyte imbalances
      1. nursing interventions
        1. manage pain
        2. manage diarrhea
        3. teach weight loss and nutrition
        4. teach coping
        5. remedy knowledge deficit
        6. reduce anxiety

    1. Crohn's disease
      1. definition/etiology
        1. young people 15 to 30 years old
        2. inflammation of segments of bowel, especially ileum, jejunum, and colon, with areas of normal bowel between inflamed bowel - cobblestone appearance
        3. inflammation involves all layers of bowel wall - transmural
        4. ulceration, fissures, fistula, and abscess formation
        5. bowel wall thickens and narrows, producing strictures
        6. slowly progressive
      2. findings
        1. diarrhea with steatorrhea (fats not processed)
        2. abdominal pain - right lower quadrant (illustration)
        3. fatigue, weight loss, dehydration, fever
        4. systemic manifestations
          1. arthritis, clubbing of fingers
          2. skin inflammations
          3. nephrolithiasis
      1. complications
        1. obstruction from strictures
        2. fistulaformation
        3. bowel may perforate and infect: peritonitis
        4. medical management
          • rest
          • nutritional support
          • hyperalimentation
          • diet high in calories and protein, low in roughage and fat
          • steroids as anti-inflammatories
          • immunosuppressives
          • anti-infectives: sulfasalazine (Azulfidine) primary drug of choice
          • anticholinergics
          • antidiarrheals
          • loperamide (Imodium) drug of choice
          • balloon dilation of strictures
          • surgery will not cure Crohn's disease; may limit damage
            • colectomy with ileostomy
            • subtotal colectomy with ileostomy or ileorectal anastomosis
      2. nursing interventions
        1. after surgery, monitor
          • diarrhea
          • fluid balance and nutrition
          • skin integrity
          • coping and self-care
          • sexuality
          • medications