Complications during labor and delivery
- Dystocia
- Definition
- painful, difficult, prolonged labor and birth resulting in failure to efface, and/or descend within an expected time frame
- fetal dystocia
- pelvic dystocia
- uterine dystocia
- hypotonicdysfunction
- hypertonic dysfunction
- CPD - cephalopelvic disproportion
- painful, difficult, prolonged labor and birth resulting in failure to efface, and/or descend within an expected time frame
- Data collection
- monitor uterine contraction frequency, intensity, duration
- observe effacement, dilitationand descent
- observe uterine resting tone for hypertonus
- monitor fetal heart rate for non-reassuring pattern
- observe fetal presenting part for molding, asyncliticism
- monitor maternal coping skills
- monitor amniotic fluid
- monitor uterine contraction frequency, intensity, duration
- Management
- establish cause for dystocia
- powers
- passage
- passenger
- maternal position
- psychologic responses
- powers
- treat cause of dystocia for vaginal delivery
- prepare for cesarean birth if approrpriate
- establish cause for dystocia
- Nursing interventions
- evaluate fetal status for size, position and reassuring heart rate
- evaluate pelvic parameters for adequacy, empty bladder
- evaluate uterine activity for frequency, intensity and duration
- provide sedation and rest if appropriate in latent phase, ambulation in active phase, maternal repositioning to turn fetal head position, and hydration
- prepare for pitocinaugmentation if in active phase
- provide adequate physical and emotional support for pain
- provide pain relief if appropriate
- prepare for cesarean birth if appropriate
- prepare for shoulder dystocia if macrosomic
- prepare for neonatal resuscitation if necessary
- evaluate fetal status for size, position and reassuring heart rate
- Evaluation
- progress toward birth is made hourly
- maternal and fetal status reflect well-being
- monitor maternal and fetal status closely post delivery
- progress toward birth is made hourly
- Definition
- Emergency birth
- Definitions
- birth of the newborn in the absence of expected health care provider (health care provider and/or midwife)
- precipitouslabor
- precipitous birth
- birth of the newborn in the absence of expected health care provider (health care provider and/or midwife)
- Data collection
- assess contractions for excessively strong (tetanic-like) frequency (tachysystole), or excessively long contractions
- review history for previous precipitous labor
- assess for lax maternal soft tissue or large pelvis
- assess for SGA or preterm fetus
- primigravidacervical dilatation > 5 cm/hr
- multigravidacervical dilatation > 10 cm/hr
- rapid fetal descent
- increased bloody show, initiation of and strong expulsive efforts
- assess contractions for excessively strong (tetanic-like) frequency (tachysystole), or excessively long contractions
- Management
- safe conduct of birth with minimal maternal soft tissue trauma
- safe conduct of birth with minimal fetal trauma
- preparation for neonatal resuscitation and stabilization
- anticipation of postpartum hemorrhage
- safe conduct of birth with minimal maternal soft tissue trauma
- Nursing interventions
- constant nursing attendance at bedside and monitor mother and fetal heart rate (FHR)
- notification of appropriate health care provider
- preparation for emergency delivery (supplies and personnel)
- emotional and physical support of client
- discontinue oxytocin if being administered
- neonatal resuscitation prepared
- support of perineum and allow gradual extension, restitution and shoulder delivery, be prepared for cord around the neck
- delivery of newborn by most qualified personnel
- medication available for postpartum hemorrhage
- support parental-newborn attachment
- prepare for and assist placental delivery if separating
- constant nursing attendance at bedside and monitor mother and fetal heart rate (FHR)
- Evaluation
- maternal condition supported
- maternal trauma to soft tissue minimized
- newborn stabilized
- minimal newborn trauma
- adequate post-delivery care for mother and newborn
- maternal condition supported
- Definitions
- Prolapsed cord
- Definitions
- displacement of the umbilical cord in front of presenting part
- classifications:
- funic
- occult
- first degree - into vagina
- second degree - through introitus
- funic
- historical data predisposes to prolapse
- displacement of the umbilical cord in front of presenting part
- Data collection
- note characteristic, color and nature of amniotic fluid when membranes rupture
- vaginal examination for location of presenting part
- observe for fetal non-reassuring heart rate: severe variables or bradycardia
- palpate or observe for umbilical cord if bradycardia occurs
- monitor for moderate to variable decelerations of fetal heart rate
- note characteristic, color and nature of amniotic fluid when membranes rupture
- Management
- maintain placental perfusion
- maintain cord circulation
- provide for expeditious delivery
- assemble and prepare for newborn resuscitation
- maintain placental perfusion
- Nursing intervention
- vaginal examination and dislodge presenting part to relieve cord pressure
- trendelenberg or elevation of hips on pillows to maintain fetal position
- tocolysistherapy may be given
- initiate intrauterine resuscitation:
- oxygen therapy
- fluid bolus
- side-lying position
- oxygen therapy
- vaginal examination and dislodge presenting part to relieve cord pressure
- Definitions
iv. placental perfusion maintained
- do not manipulate or replace cord related to vasospasms
- immediate notification of health care provider
- prepare for newborn resuscitation
- prepare for most expeditious birth - vaginal or cesarean
- provide for physical and emotional needs of parents in a calm environment
- Evaluation
- provide care to avoid prolapse of cord
- respose to prolapse is efficient and effective
- fetal well-being is maintained
- newborn resuscitation is prepared
- provide care to avoid prolapse of cord