Pediatrics 9
Upper Urinary Tract Disorders
Vesicourethral reflux (VUR)
Definition: retrograde flow of bladder urine into the ureters
primary (congenital anomaly)
secondary (acquired, usually associated with UTI)
bladder reflux
residual urine from ureters remains in bladder until next void
increases chance for and perpetuates infection
vesicoureteral reflux grading system: grade one to five
Findings: UTI with chronic findings & recurrences
Diagnostics: radiographic studies
medications: for grades one to four, low-dose antibiotics; monitor
surgery: for severe cases, grade four or grade five
renal scarring
all children in family should be screened
Acute glomerulonephritis (AGN)
acute bacterial infection (pharyngitis, impetigo)
underlying systemic disorder
infection (usually group A B-Hemolytic strep) provokes immune complex response
immune complexes trapped in glomerular capillary loop
activate inflammatory response, which injures capillary walls
decrease lumen functions and GFR (glomerular filtration rate)
decreased filtration of plasma results in excessive acummulation of water and retention of sodium
onset appears after latent period of about ten days
edema (periorbital and peripheral)
hematuria ("smoky" or "tea-colored" urine)
mild hypertension
moderate proteinuria
loss of appetite
Diagnostics: urine testing, serum (antibody, complement, CRP, ESR, WBC), throat culture, history of antecedent strep infection
no specific treatments; recovery spontanteous and uneventful in most cases
supportive with careful regulation of fluid balance; I & O, daily weights
medications: antihypertensives, if needed
possible diuretic nutrition (low in sodium, protein, potassium)
Concerns: hypertensive encephalopathy, cardiac decompensation, renal failure, edema and fluid overload
Chronic nephrosis = nephrotic syndrome
Massive proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, hyperlipemia and edema
Etiology: not fully understood - possibly renal lesions or other processes
primary ( idiopathic nephrosis): restricted to glomerular injury
secondary: develops as part of systemic illness
glomerular alteration and increased permeability to plasmaproteins, especially albumin
plasma protein losses; increased presence in urine, decrease plasma volume, colloidal osmotic pressure in capillaries decreases
hydrostatic pressure is greater than colloidal osmotic pressure resulting in fluid accumulation in interstitial spaces and body cavities
shift in plasma fluid leads to hypovolemia
hypovolemia - triggers kidneys to produce renin, and angiotensin which stimulates the release of aldosterone and increases the reabsorbtion of water and sodium
aldosterone increases
decreased blood pressure also causes release of ADH leading to increase in water absorption
progressive weight gain
puffiness of face
generalized edema (insidious)
periorbital edema
loss of appetite
Diagnostics: history, urine tests: massive proteinuria, serum testing
Management: mainly supportive
diet: limit sodium, but high potassium and protein
medications: corticosteroids, immunosuppressants, diuretics
Concerns: hypercoagulability and thrombosis, fluid excess, alterations in skin integrity, recurrence
Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS)
acute disorder shows the "triad":
hemolytic anemia
acute renal failure
occurs most often in children under four
Etiology: unknown; some association with genetics, endotoxins, bacteria (E. coli, rickettsia, coxsackie), enzyme deficiency, decreased antioxidants
usually follows an acute GI or upper respiratory infection (URI)
pathogen attaches to GU tract
GU tract produces toxins that damage capillary walls
inflammation - glomerular vessels less capable of filtration
anemia occurs (due to RBC fragmentation)
thrombocytopenia (due to platelets trapped in small vessels)
prior URI
rapid onset of pallor
accompanying hemorrhagic manifestations such as bruising or rectal bleeding
Diagnostics: identify "triad" from history and lab testing
for anemia: transfusions
for renal symptoms: fluids, possible dialysis
treatment of hypertension
correction of acidosis and electrolyte disorders
concern: renal impairment