Orthopedic 3
- Nursing interventions
- Risk for peripheral neurovascular deficit
- check neurovascular status often
- elevate limb above level of heart (except with compartment syndrome)
- apply cold to minimize edema
- Pain
- assess level of pain with a scale of one to ten
- manage pain
- with drugs
- reposition client
- pad any bony prominences
- teach relaxation techniques
- Client teaching
- how fractures heal
- why the fracture is being immobilized
- how to bear weight and how much (if permitted)
- how bones heal
- how to use assistive devices to walk
- Risk for infection
- related to
- open fractures
- surgical intervention
- superficial/deep wounds
- monitor for findings of infection
- provide proper wound care
- administer antibiotic therapy as indicated
- Risk for impaired skin integrity
- causes
- open fractures
- soft tissue injuries
- pressure areas
- additional factors
- age - elderly
- general condition of client
- preexisting skin conditions or diseases
- interventions
- mobilize the client as soon as possible
- turn the client often at least every two hours
- position the client properly with alignment in mind
- use orthopedic devices to limit skin impairment
- Impaired gas exchange
- accompanies chest trauma
- client risks fat embolism
- client risks deep venous thrombosis
- interventions
- mobilize as soon as possible
- frequent and effective pulmonary toileting
- Fractures: factors that affect healin
- Degenerative Disorders
- Definition
- Slowly progressive disorders of articular cartilage and subchondral bone
- Do not affect the joints symmetrically (e.g., not necessarily both knees)
- Worsen progressively
- Eventually incapacitate, despite treatment
Osteoarthritis (OA)
- Definition - degeneration of the articular cartilage and formation of new bone in the subchondral margins of the joint
- Findings
- primarily involves weight-bearing joints
- non-inflammatory disorder
- localized: no systemic effects
- results in an abnormal distribution of stress on the joint
- Incidence
- most common form of arthritis
- may begin as early as the 20s and peaks in the 60s
- by age 70, nearly 80% of afflicted people show findings
- over age 55, OA affects twice as many women as men
- two types: primary and secondary
- Pathophysiology
- stage one: microfracture of the articular surface
- articular cartilage is worn away
- condyles of bones rub together: joint swells and is painful
- cartilage loses cushioning effect: joint friction develops
- prostaglandins may accelerate degenerative changes
- stage two: bone condensation
- erosion of cartilage
- cartilage may be digested by an enzyme in the synovial fluid
- stage three: bone remodeling
- matrix synthesis and cellular proliferation fail
- eventually the full thickness of articular cartilage is lost
- bone beneath cartilage hypertrophy and osteophytes form at joint margins
- result: joint degenerates
- Findings
- joint stiffness after periods of rest
- pain in a movable joint, typically worse with action, relieved by rest
- paresthesia
- joint enlargement: bones grow abnormally; spurs form and synovitis sets in.
- Heberden's nodes
- Bouchard's nodes
- joint deformities
- tenderness on palpation
- may involve widely separated areas of the joint
- mild synovitis may be felt - positive bulge sign may be found
- pain on passive movement
- limitation in active range of motion because
- joint surfaces no longer fit
- muscles spasm and contract
- joints are blocked by osteophyte, loose bodies
- crepitation, crunching when joints are moved
- eventual ankylosis
- gait
- abnormal antalgic gait
- shortened stance
- widened base of support
- shortened step length
- Diagnostics
- to rule out autoimmune disorders
- sedimentation rate
- rheumatoid factor
- c-reactive protein
- analyze before NSAID therapy
- within normal limits
- kidney and liver
- especially in older clients, analyze before starting NSAID therapy
- repeat every six months
- purified protein derivative (PPD)
- analyze before starting steroids
- clients testing positive for tuberculosis must receive INH at same time as steroid.
- antinuclear antigen (ANA) titer
- may be lower in the elderly
- does not necessarily prove a connective-tissue disease
- synovial fluid analysis distinguishes osteoarthritis from rheumatoid arthritis.
- radiographs
- taken in standing, weight-bearing condition
- shows the prime sign of OA: joint space narrowing
- x-ray does not necessarily reflect severity of disease
- joint loses space asymmetrically because cartilage narrows from production of osteophytes or bone spurs
- later stages may show bony ankylosis, spontaneous fusion
- bone scans
- radionuclide imaging
- shows skeletal distribution of osteoarthritis
- monitors complications of joint replacement surgery
- MRI scans show the extent of joint destruction
- computerized tomograms (CT) scans show cortical and cancellous bone density