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Michigan Board of Nursing Changes Its Requirements For Internationally Educated Nurses
11:36 AM
Michigan Board of Nursing Changes Its Requirements For Internationally Educated Nurses
PHILADELPHIA, PA — July 25, 2007 — Internationally-educated nurses who wish to practice in the state of Michigan should be advised that the Michigan Board of Nursing (BON) has adopted new regulations for international nurses. The new regulations are effective June 14, 2007. The CGFNS Certification Program Certificate (CP) is no longer the requirement for initial licensure for internationally-educated Registered Nurses (RNs) in Michigan. Michigan now requires the CGFNS Credentials Evaluation Service (CES) Full Education Course-by-Course Report for internationallyeducated RNs and licensed practical nurses (LPNs) applying for licensure, who have not been licensed in another US jurisdiction for at least 5 years. Although the CGFNS Certification Program (CP) Certificate is no longer the requirement for RNs, the Michigan BON will continue to accept CP as an alternative to the CES. Michigan also has an English language proficiency requirement for applicants who graduated from a nursing program that was taught in a language other than English. The CGFNS CES Report prepared on behalf of internationally-educated RNs must be accompanied by the CGFNS English Language Proficiency Report, which reports the passing English scores of the applicant. LPNs have the option of either selecting the CGFNS English Proficiency Report or having their passing English scores forwarded directly to Michigan BON. For those nurses who are required to complete the English exams, Michigan will accept the same examinations and minimum passing scores as the VisaScreen which are designated in Section 343 of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 for both RNs and LPNs. Please see VisaScreen requirements at <> . Canadian nurses educated in English are exempt from the requirement for the CES Report or English proficiency testing. Please note that Canadian nurses would be subject to the Department of Homeland Security requirements for certification of health care workers and would have to meet all requirements for a VisaScreen if they are applying for an occupational visa or Trade NAFTA (TN) status.